The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is pleased to announce several updates of data that enable explorations of cancer incidence and mortality trends worldwide. On the IARC Global Cancer Observatory, recorded cancer incidence data from the most recent volume of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5), Volume XII, and updated recorded national mortality data from the World Health Organization (WHO) Mortality Database have been added to the Cancer Over Time subsite. In addition, the CI5plus database of long-term series of recorded incidence data by year for cancer registry populations included in CI5 has been updated with Volume XII, and the summary and detailed datasets are now available on the Downloads section of the CI5plus website.
Cancer Over Time is a web-based platform that enables interactive visualizations of trends in cancer incidence and mortality rates in 60 countries over the past 70 years. The analytical tools included in the Cancer Over Time subsite enable age–period–cohort analysis, including visual inspection of the rates versus birth cohort and calendar period by age group, and a quantification of the direction and magnitude of time trends in a user-specified time period.
In collaboration with the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR), CI5 online contains comparable cancer incidence data worldwide based on the high-quality data made available by population-based cancer registries. The CI5plus database contains updated annual incidence rates for 125 registry populations published in CI5.
Visit the Cancer Over Time subsite of the Global Cancer Observatory