The Sixtieth Session of the Scientific Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is taking place in Lyon on 7–9 February 2024. This session of the Scientific Council is the first since February 2020 to be held as a face-to-face event. In the intervening period, travel restrictions and lockdowns put in place to control the COVID-19 pandemic limited the ability to prepare for and host large-scale international meetings. The Fifty-Seventh, Fifty-Eighth, and Fifty-Ninth Sessions were held remotely.
This is also the first session of the IARC Scientific Council to be held in the new IARC building, which was inaugurated in May 2023 during the Sixty-Fifth Session of the IARC Governing Council.
During the session, the Scientific Council will review key areas of IARC’s research programme. Cross-cutting scientific themes to be discussed include social inequalities and cancer and health economics in cancer research.
This meeting of the Scientific Council is chaired by Dr Manami Inoue of Japan.